Neuro, Emotional, Endocrine & Nutritional Factors of Aging
Dietary choices and lifestyle are major contributors to how we age. Fortunately there are many choices today to reverse the aging process so we can lead happy, healthy and productive lives. Whether you choose anti-aging natural supplements, anti-aging herbs, herbal vitamins, hormone therapy, exercise, counseling, etc. all have demonstrated success in reversing the aging process.
It’s important to address all factors which contribute to aging. Accordingly, the following pathology describes the 5 factors which cause the body to age.
5 Factors which cause the body to age:
- Neuro – deterioration of the cell membranes in the Brain due to a lack of Phosphorus in the diet
- Emotional – unresolved issues in the Brain create blocked energy, reducing Melatonin and HGH hormone production
- Endocrine – breakdown of the glands reducing their hormone production and a weakening of the Vital Organs
- Nutritional – mineral deficiencies contributing to the weakening of the Body & Mind
- Free Radicals – compounds which attack the cell membranes of the Brain and Nervous System

How we age
First, aging begins in the Brain and the Nervous system, where a lack of Phosphorus in the diet contributes to a weakening of the Brain cell membranes. The entire nervous system is composed of Phosphorus, including the spinal cord, nerves and nerve endings. A lack of Phosphorus in the diet will impede the messages from the Brain to rest of the body.
Second, Emotional issues that are unresolved create energy blocks in the brain. Circulation of blood is restricted to many areas of the brain, limiting the pathways of nerve messages to the brain stem, spinal cord and various parts of the body. Serotonin levels are reduced which impacts our sense of well-being and general outlook on life. Blocked energy is found most commonly in the Cerebrum and Brain Stem.This is energy left over from unresolved issues in the past which we have been unable to release. The left side of the Cerebrum is where memories of traumatic experiences are held. The right side is where the emotions of traumatic experiences are held. Capsicum improves circulation to the brain and helps to release this blocked energy from the brain.
Third, the Endocrine system is weakened, upsetting the hormonal balance in the body. The Hypothalamus which connects the brain to the glandular system is also impeded by blocked energy. The messages from the Brain to the Hypothalamus are disrupted which reduces the hormone production of the Pineal, Pituitary, Thyroid, Thymus and Adrenal glands.The Pineal gland no longer produces enough Melatonin and we cannot sleep at night. The Pituitary gland no longer produces enough human growth hormone – HGH and visible signs of aging appear. The Thyroid gland is under active lowering metabolism which causes obesity. The Thymus gland slows the production of T-cells and immunity to infection is reduced. The vital organs are weakened, and the production of enzymes decreases.Adrenal exhaustion sets in and physical stamina declines. Antiaging herbs will help restore youth.

Fourth, a poor diet and a lack of Trace Minerals such as Germanium, Selenium, Iodine and many others further weaken the glands and organs, causing an additional slowing of bodily functions. The lack of digestive enzymes contributes to an ongoing cycle of Nutritional deficiencies. This further impacts the vital organs; mainly the stomach, kidneys, pancreas, liver and colon. Sex drive is reduced and Menopause (women) and Andropause (men) overcome us.The colon becomes toxic and slow moving.
Fifth, a diet deficient in Anti-oxidants generates Free Radicals in the body, which attack the cell membranes in the Brain and Nervous system.Diet, lifestyle, drugs, tobacco and excessive alcohol consumption accelerate free radical production in the body. Excessive alcohol consumption also contributes to the weakening and die off of brain cells.Age related diseases begin to appear, often early in life.
Summary of how we Age
Aging begins with a Phosphorus deficiency in the brain. Next, unresolved stress and trauma create blocked energy in the Brain, restricting nerve messages to the rest of the body. This upsets the body’s hormonal balance causing organ weaknesses. Visible symptoms occur and the onset of age related diseases occur. Years of poor eating habits contribute to nutritional deficiencies, free radical damage and a slowing of bodily functions.
Can aging be reversed? Yes!!!!
Antiaging Herbs Restore Youth
First, A diet rich in Anti-oxidant foods to combat Free Radicals should be the foundation of any Anti-aging program.Colorful fruits and vegetables are highest in Anti-oxidants which neutralize Free Radicals in the body.Pineapple, Blueberries, Bell Peppers and Purple Onions are our favorite Anti-oxidant foods.
Second, the remaining inter-related factors; Neuro, Emotional, Endocrine, Nutritional must be addressed to have an effective Anti-aging program. The benefits of your Anti-aging program can be many and vary from person to person. The most common results we see are as follows:
- Improved Sense of Well-being
- Better Memory
- Clearer Thinking
- Greater Resistance to Illness and Disease
- More Emotional Energy
- More Physical Energy
- Improved Sex Drive
Getting Started on the Anti Aging Herbal Process
Anti Aging Natural Supplements
A protocol of Anti-aging formulas with Nutritional, Herbal, Amino Acid and Anti-oxidant ingredients is recommended to start your Anti-aging program. We put these together in convenient packs beginning with the Energy Pack, Brain Pack, Men’s Pack and Women’s Pack. We suggest starting with the Energy Pack first and then add the other packs to your program.
Anti Aging Herb Products – Herbal Supplements
The Brain Pack II and III, Glandular Pack, Vital Organ Pack, Heart Pack and Pancreas Pack can be added to your program in any order. These are specific anti aging herb products, minerals, and unique herbal supplements that will energize the mind and the body and help restore youth.