Natural Choice Anti-Aging

Welcome! We desire to present reliable Anti-aging information. Take a moment to browse through the information section of the site. The benefits from an Anti-aging program  are many. The most common we hear are:

  • Improved sense of well being
  • Better memory
  • Clearer thinking
  • Greater resistance to illness and disease
  • Improved libido

Chiropractic adjustments remove nerve interference which causes disease. Get adjusted by an upper cervical chiropractor to improve your health.

Upper Cervical Chiropractic and Herniated Discs

Dr. Ray Drury explains in this video the relationship between upper cervical chiropractic and herniated discs.

In contrast to the claims of some like Reinhert Diversified that you can adjust a slipped disc, upper cervical chiropractic does not make such a claim. Instead, the upper cervical philosophy regarding herniated discs is that by adjusting the atlas or axis the body will alleviate the extra pressure which caused the disc to herniate originally and thus allow the disc to slide back into place.

Chiropractic and the World Series

Press release from Logan College of Chiropractic:

Chiropractic Care Contributes to Optimal Performance of Baseball World Series Champions 2011 St. Louis Cardinals and 2010 San Francisco Giants

Cardinal pitcher Jason Motte advocates chiropractic care

CARMICHAEL, Calif. – Nov.  3, 2011 – As the St. Louis Cardinals celebrate their 11th World Series title and the San Francisco Giants relive their 2010 championship, the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress points to the role of chiropractic care in promoting faster recoveries, reduced risk of injury and enhanced on-field performance.  Chiropractic team doctors Ralph Filson, D.C. of the Cardinals, and Michael Gazdar, D.C. of the San Francisco Giants, explain that regular chiropractic care provides baseball players with proper spinal function and balance to reduce the risk of spine-related injuries, enhance recovery time and improve overall performance.

Dr. Filson, who began providing care to the players in 1990 through its then manager, Joe Torre, Major League Baseball (MLB) legend, says, “Chiropractic care is always available for players of the Cardinals and the visiting team, it is utilized by many.  With chiropractic care, players report that they feel better and have better endurance.  Body mechanics are significantly improved, enabling better pitching, hitting and throwing.”

Jason Motte, relief pitcher for the St. Louis Cardinals, shares, “I had issues with my shoulder and arm for a long time.  I started seeing Dr. Filson this year. Since then, I have not had any arm problems. The whole team appreciates him and the work he did throughout the season. I know while being under Dr. Filson’s care, I was able to feel 100 percent while on the mound.”

In 2006, Dr. Filson was awarded a World Series ring for his role with the Cardinals, and was proud to play a similar role in the 2011 championship.  He also treated David Eckstein, Most Valuable Player on the Cardinals 2006 World Series Team, citing the importance of chiropractic care in helping players to achieve optimal performance:  “I am proud to have provided chiropractic care to the Cardinals for so many years, and gratified that chiropractic has contributed to the players’ optimal performance during every game.  We are all excited about bringing home the 2011 World Series title.”

According to Dr. Gazdar, who began working with the San Francisco Giants in 2008, and was seen by millions celebrating at the pitcher’s mound with the players following the game-ending play that resulted in the Giants World Series title, “Chiropractic care was a significant factor in the San Francisco Giants 2010 victory.  One of the Giants’ pitchers relied upon chiropractic adjustments for all of his pitching starts, and virtually every player benefitted from chiropractic services.”

Both doctors express their enthusiasm for the inclusion of chiropractic care for virtually every team participating in professional sports, including golf, football, hockey, basketball and baseball.

About Foundation for Chiropractic Progress   

A not-for-profit organization, the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress aims to inform and educate the general public about the many benefits associated with chiropractic care.  To learn more about the Foundation, please visit us on the web at or call 866-901-F4CP (3427).


Thomas F. Keller, MA
Associate VP of Integrated Marketing and Communications
Division of Enrollment Management
Logan College of Chiropractic / University Programs

Question 23. Do you belive that a booth at a State Fair, handing out proper and approved Chiropractic literature, is a good piece of public relations, and educational?

Question 23. Do you belive that a booth at a State Fair, handing out proper and approved Chiropractic literature, is a good piece of public relations, and educational?

Answer 23. We are in favor of any and all kinds of true and truthful publicity of educational nature. Booths at State Fairs are VERY educational and need to be encouraged.

Question 22. What has been learned by use of the electroencephaloneuromentimpograph which will prove Chirorpactic scientifically? How will these findings affect meric schools?

Question 22. What has been learned by use of the electroencephaloneuromentimpograph which will prove Chirorpactic scientifically? How will these findings affect meric schools?

Answer 22. ‘Timpograph, as we abbreviate it here, measures, calibrates, and evaluates QUANTITY flow of mental impulse supply between any part of brain and any or all parts of body, via nerves. It proves the fundamental of Chiropractic principle and practice. It disproves anything which does not and cannot come within purview of that principle and practice. This information makes Chiropractic A SCIENCE rather than a mass and mess of theories. These findings will never change people who prefer to stand still, prefer to live in daydreams, will not be convinced when shown proof. We have proven to OUR complete understanding meric system is now obsolete. Without that evidence, others  will not be convinced.

We have taken many bubbling theories which keep forcing themselves on our profession. Various Chiropractors write and tell us how they “now have the world by the tail”, “The PSC will go to the dump unless we get it,” etc. We get it, test it to see if it comes within defines and confines of the Chiropractic principle and practice. If it does, o.k. If it does not — and 99 per cent don’t — we forget it. In some of our recent books, we print complete research of one or two instances of some of this work to prove to doubting Thomases how it is done, with what results.

We suggest you get RESEARCHING THE UNKNOWN MAN, to be issued in 1951, with more extensive research with ‘timpograph.

Question 21. What does B.J. know about Chiropractic, anyway?

Question 21. What does B.J. know about Chiropractic, anyway?

Answer 21. Very little! Especially is this true when we listen to what students tell us we DON’T know; or when we listen to the field who have discovered many new theories which don’t or can’t work. Some day we may take time off, make a tour of Chiropractic offices, and learn something about Chiropractic. When we see how much the field knows that we don’t know, it makes us ashamed to think we are teaching “chiropractic.” When we see other “chiropractic” schools teaching everything but what WE think Chiropractic is, we become very humble in their shadow.