The recently formed upper cervical society now has a website. The upper cervical society is for Chiropractors using the Palmer method of specific spinal analysis & adjusting. The Palmer method is also known as H.I.O. — hole in one — or toggle recoil. Although uncertain from the website if the upper cervical society is specific to side-posture toggle recoil, an organization promoting this method in particular is definitely needed. How strange is it that there are only a few organizations like Blair (which is similar to toggle recoil) which promote and teach toggle recoil adjusting — the method taught by B.J. Palmer — yet there are upper cervical organizations that teach Knee-Chest (another Palmer method), Grostic, Ortho-Spinology, Atlas Orthogonal and NUCCA?
Looks like the link there is dead. As an avid Upper Cervical Doctor, I like to be abreast of who’s who in the UC field. In the mean time, the Blair Upper Cervical Society always welcomes the Toggle/Recoil members, as we’re pretty close in style and philosophy.