Question 12. Why are other schools which are not straight Chiropractic and not the Fountain Head recognized in some states?

Question 12. Why are other schools which are not straight Chiropractic and not the Fountain Head recognized in some states?

Answer 12. Legislatures are bodies of miscellaneous people of all faiths, creeds, colors, professions, businesses. As such, they are a freak body and often pass freak legislation. Under our political boodle system, pork barrel, support given to politicians, various types of State Board personnel exist. It is within the province of freak legislation, freak boards, to accept such “chiropractic” schools as they desire, and also to reject such CHIROPRACTIC schools as they do not like. Much depends upon education of board members, backed by their prejudices, likes, and dislikes.

In several states, such as Illinois, Indiana, Pennsylvania, etc., medical boards have set up impossible medical standards for Chiropractic licensure. They issue a “limited medical practice license” or “other practitioners license” or “physiotherapy license”, etc., which we cannot, do not, and will not countenance as Chiropractic. In such states, there are many non-licensed practitioners; in some, more more non-licensed than licensed. Every once in a while, medical boards get a spurt and start arresting, cases are tried, conviction now and then, but generally juries refuse to convict. Campaign dies down — and that’s that, once more.

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