Anti-aging herbs

Herbs used in anti-aging programs have medicinal properties which stimulate the vital organs in the body and restore their normal function. Many have anti-oxidant properties which heal cell membrane damage cause by free radicals. Restoring the Brain, Glands and Vital Organs are the most important role of these herbs in the healing process.

Aloe Vera Leaf

Used externally as a stimulant and internally in small doses as a bitter tonic; it contains seven anti-oxidant compounds that reduce inflammation and provides natural sodium to reduce inflammation in the stomach; Aloe Vera gel releases natural compounds to relieve pain as it promotes healing

Angelica Root

Traditionally used for colds, coughs, colic, rheumatism and diseases of the urinary tract; the root possess carminative, tonic and expectorant properties; has a stimulating effect on the Pineal gland to increase Melatonin production

Bai Liu Pi

Also called “Peking Willow”; a highly prized herb from China used to soothe the pain of inflammed joints, muscle soreness, arthritis and rheumatism; promotes Cortisone production by the Adrenals and has important anti-oxidant properties; ideal for those with low tolerance to medications which may irritate the stomach

Barberry Bark

Medicinal use dates back to the time of ancient Egypt, when it was combined with Fennel seed to prevent plague; a bitter tonic, an excellent remedy for the liver to regulating the bile production for the digestive system, and acts as a mild purgative for symptoms of constipation

Bee Pollen

A source of complete nutrition; rich in protein and nutrients important for the glandular system; Bee Pollen is high in amino acids which are precursors to many hormonal compounds in the body

Black Cohosh Root

A popular remedy for women’s health; effective for hot flashes, mood swings, and vaginal dryness of menopause and may compensate for low or variable levels of estrogen during menstruation or in menopause

Capsicum Fruit

A spicy, pungent aromatic herb introduced into Britain from India in 1548; used in many cultures as a cooking spice; is a good heart tonic, improves circulation in the brain; has anti-inflammatory properties to relieve pain; this is a well known anti-aging herb

Cardamon Seed

An aromatic herb with an intense, pungent sweet flavor used as a cooking spice in Ayruveda. A close relative of Ginger; has carminative, stimulant, aromatic properties and useful to enhance the properties of other herbs and spices; used in Chinese medicine to treat stomach aches, constipation and dysentery

Cedar Berry

An aromatic herb that can prevent gas and heartburn by stimulating the pancreas to increase enzyme production; has mild diuretic properties that stimulate urination; important anti-oxidant for the Pancreas

Chinese Licorice Root

Wonderful tonic and anti-oxidant for the Adrenals; also used to treat coughs and colds; is especially useful for treating colds that accompany stomach upset; traditional Chinese medicine uses Licorice to treat chronic fatigue

Cinnamon Bark

One of the world’s most familiar spices; used as a treatment for diabetes, weight control and hypoglycemia; can also treat loss of appetite and stomach upset; Cinnamon teas have been used for centuries to prevent bloating and flatulence and to treat heartburn and nausea


Used to alleviate pain, prevent and treat infection, ease toothaches, treat parasites and relieve congestion and settle upset stomach. Clove is the active ingredient in many over the counter toothache remedies because it has both anesthetic and antiseptic properties

Cu Pana

A popular herb from China used by athletes for a quick energy pickup; increases hormone production of the Adrenals and sharpens the mind for increased mental awareness.

Dong Quai Root

Another popular remedy for women’s health issues; a uterine tonic, reducing menstrual pain and reducing disagreeable symptoms of menopause; used in tonics for both sexes to relieve pain caused by poor circulation and arthritis

Dulse Plant

A seaweed harvested in the cool waters along Atlantic coast of Canada, Ireland and Norway which is known for it’s trace minerals, particularly iodine; used for treating hypothyroidism, low metabolism and obesity; an important anti-oxidant for the Thyroid gland.

Fennel Seed

An herb with a flavor similar to Licorice, which has antiseptic properties and encourages the secretion of saliva and gastric juices; used for stomach cramps and is often added to laxatives to ensure gentle action; the tea is used to break up congestion caused by colds and allergies.

Garlic Bulb

Many effects and healing powers have been credited to Garlic; it has stimulant and antiseptic properties in addition to its other virtues; stimulates digestion, is used as a heart tonic, clears infections and purges parasites from the intestinal tract.

Ginkgo Leaf

Contains several medicinally active compounds which has excited a lot of interest in the health promoting potential of Ginkgo; the leaves stimulate blood circulation and have a tonic effect on the brain, reducing lethargy, improving memory and giving an improved sense of well-being.

Golden Seal Root

Highly valued herb, which has antiseptic properties known to clear bacteria infections; used to stimulate insulin production of the pancreas.

Gotu Kola Herb

Long recognized as a botanical medicine, studies suggest it may help with memory and cognitive disabilities as well as helping the body overcome stress and fatigue, has been used to treat mild to moderate depression.

Hawthorn Berry

Recognized in Europe as a heart tonic; most often used in the treatment of a weak heart combined with high blood pressure; it has diuretic, sedative and tonic properties and is an important anti-oxidant for the heart muscles.

He Shou Wu Root

An excellent tonic for the Adrenals to treat exhaustion; mild stimulate to Estrogen production in women, making it appropriate for treating a number of undesirable symptoms of menopause.

Horsetail Grass

Known for its high Silicon content, it is an excellent supplement for hair, skin and nails; gently stimulates urinary flow and supports the electrolyte balance in the body; used for clearing out low grade infections of the bladder; important anti-oxidant for the skin to repair free radical damage.

Juniper Berry

An aromatic herb used as a diuretic and carminative for indigestion, flatulence, and diseases of the kidney and bladder; has superior anti-oxidant properties and stimulates the Pituitary gland to increase growth hormone production; improves perception and awareness.

Kelp Plant

A seaweed harvested along the coastal waters of North America, South America and Japan , which is known for its trace minerals, particularly iodine; used for treating hypothyroidism, low metabolism and obesity.

Kon Bu

An herb popular in China traditionally known for it’s high trace mineral content and for bringing the body’s hormones into balance; used for improving mental awareness without over stimulating the mind.

Nutmeg Seed

This well known spice is used to break up chest congestion and to relieve or prevent flatulence; research shows that it may inhibit the growth of viruses associated with diarrhea in children; extracts have treated erectile dysfunction in men.


Another important herb for hair skin and nails due to its high Silicon content; calming to the nervous system and also used to draw toxins out of the body; important nutrient for the skin.

Panax Ginseng

This highly prized medicinal herb is originally from Korea and northern China; it has a long history for use as a longevity tonic which strengthens the heart and adrenals; improves the body’s resistance to trauma, anxiety and fatigue; health benefits are well understood by many herbalists around the world.

Parsley Leaf

Often recommend as a detoxifier because of its concentrated chlorophyll, Parsley is a excellent diuretic for the kidneys; it’s culinary uses are many such as a flavoring to sauces, soups and casseroles

Peppermint Leaf

Used as flavoring in toothpaste, dental creams, mouthwash, cough candies, chewing gm and baked goods, this aromatic herb is a favorite choice for stomach upset and cramping in the abdomen

Red Raspberry Leaf

Another popular remedy for women’s health; has astringent properties and is a source on Manganese, an important mineral for the female reproductive system; excellent anti-oxidant for the Uterus

Saw Palmetto Berry

A popular herb for male reproductive health; used as a treatment for benign prostate enlargement and prostatitis; gently stimulates urination, causing the infectious microorganisms in the prostate to be flushed out with the urine; increases male sexual potency and is an important anti-oxidant for the Prostate gland

Siberian Ginseng Root

One of the most popular herbs among athletes to enhance performance; prevents Adrenal burnout caused by physical or mental stress; improves immunity against infection and has been used to treat erectile dysfunction in men

Valerian Root

A long history of usage, dating back to the time of Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.E.) for treating headaches, insomnia, nervousness, restlessness, menstrual problems, nervous stomach and hysteria; has a calming and tranquilizer effect on the brain

Wheat Grass

A popular herb for it’s high chlorophyll content and superior anti-oxidant properties, boosts immunity and cleanses the liver; an important anti-oxidant for the Thymus gland

Yucca Root

An herb used by native Americans for many centuries, used to treat both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis; calming to the stomach and digestive system; and important anti-oxidant for the stomach


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